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Butterfly Gardens

Discover the perfect Butterfly Garden Perennial plants for your landscape. We have a huge selection to choose from, with bulk discounts and free shipping available.

monarch-on-asclepias-tuberosa.jpgButterfly gardens are a wonderful, especially in the urban garden where they flitter from plant to plant. What will attract butterflies to your garden is water, food and shelter. While there are books on the subject, the following tips will help you create your own butterfly sanctuary:
* Locate in a sunny area. Butterflies like direct sunlight and heat to warm up their bodies.
* Provide a wind shelter by planting beside a fence, hedge or building.
* Avoid using chemical pesticides.
* Provide warm resting places around the garden with boards or a few flat stones.
* A shallow saucer, mud puddle or wet sand can supply needed water.
* Caterpillars have to eat - place milkweed, marigolds, red salvia, zinnias, lantana, impatiens, cosmos, thistle, clover, or goldenrod where their eating of plants will not be a problem. Other favorites are carrots, dill, parsley and nasturtium.

Different species of butterflies prefer different nectars, in both colors and tastes. Providing a wide variety of food plants will attract the greatest diversity of varieties. Try to determine what butterfly varieties are native to your area and which plants they visit. Staggering of plants and varieties allows for additional blooming times of the day and year. Groups of the same plants are easier for butterflies to see than singly planted flowers.

Many blooming flowers may be visited by butterflies, but perennial favorites include:
Achillea | Ajuga | Aquileqia | Aster | Astilbe | Baptisia | Butterfly Bushes | Campanula | Coreopsis | Delosperma | Delphinium | Dianthus | Echinacea | Gaillardia | Heuchera and Heucherella | Hibiscus | Lamium | Lantana | Lavender | Leucanthemum | Lupinus | Papaver | Phlox | Rudeckia | Salvia | Sedum | Stokesia | Thymus | Tiarella | Veronica , and, of coarse, buddleia (butterfly bush).

Additional plants include the below, for more information "click" on the photo(s) below -

Butterfly Gardens FAQ

Planting a butterfly garden brings a vibrant splash of color to your space while offering a surprising number of benefits, both for you and the environment. Here are some of the key advantages:

Ecological Support:

  • Conservation: Butterfly populations are declining due to habitat loss and pollution. Your garden can become a vital haven, providing food, shelter, and breeding grounds for these beautiful creatures.
  • Pollination: Butterflies play a crucial role in pollinating plants, ensuring the health and reproduction of various plant species. This includes fruits, vegetables, and flowers, benefiting both your garden and the wider ecosystem.
  • Biodiversity: A butterfly garden attracts a diverse range of beneficial insects like bees, ladybugs, and hoverflies, all contributing to a balanced and healthy ecosystem. This diversity also attracts birds, creating a richer and more vibrant environment.

Personal enjoyment:

  • Beauty: Watching butterflies flitting from flower to flower adds a touch of magic and visual delight to your garden. Their colorful wings and graceful movements bring joy and peacefulness.
  • Education: A butterfly garden provides a wonderful opportunity to learn about nature and observe the lifecycle of these fascinating creatures. It is a fantastic educational tool for children and adults alike.
  • Relaxation: Studies show that observing butterflies can reduce stress and promote feelings of calmness and well-being. Their delicate beauty and presence create a serene atmosphere in your outdoor space.

Additional benefits:

  • Sustainability: Native plants often require less water and maintenance, making your butterfly garden an eco-friendly choice.
  • Community building: Your garden can attract other butterfly enthusiasts, fostering a sense of community and shared appreciation for nature.

Remember, these benefits are even more pronounced when you use native plants in your butterfly garden. Native plants are better adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, requiring less care and resources, and they provide optimal food and shelter for native butterfly species.

So, if you are looking to add beauty, support the environment, and create a peaceful haven in your outdoor space, planting a butterfly garden is a wonderful option!

Here are some of the characteristics of butterfly gardens:

Plant Diversity:

  • Nectar sources: A variety of brightly colored, flat-topped, or clustered flowers with short tubes are essential for adult butterflies to feed on. Examples include milkweed, zinnia, cosmos, marigolds, and coreopsis.
  • Host plants: These provide food for caterpillars, the larval stage of butterflies. Different butterfly species have specific host plants, so research which ones are native to your area and attract the butterflies you would like to see. Examples include milkweed for Monarch butterflies, parsley for swallowtails, and asters for fritillaries.
  • Native plants: Using native plants is highly recommended as they are better adapted to your local climate and soil conditions, require less care and resources, and provide optimal food and shelter for native butterfly species.

Habitat Features:

  • Sun exposure: Butterflies are cold-blooded and need sunshine to warm up and be active. Aim for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day in your garden.
  • Shelter: Provide protection from wind, rain, and predators by incorporating rocks, shrubs, or small trees into your design.
  • Water source: A shallow puddle, birdbath, or saucer filled with water and rocks is crucial for butterflies to drink and obtain essential minerals.
  • Open areas: Butterflies need space to fly and bask in the sun. Avoid overcrowding your garden with plants.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid pesticides: These harmful chemicals kill not only pests but also beneficial insects like butterflies and their caterpillars.
  • Practice organic gardening methods: Use natural fertilizers and pest control solutions to create a healthy and safe environment for butterflies.
  • Observe and learn: Pay attention to which plants attract the most butterflies and adjust your garden accordingly. Research the specific needs of the butterfly species you would like to attract.

By incorporating these characteristics, you can create a beautiful and inviting butterfly garden that benefits both you and the environment.

Here are some varieties used in butterfly gardens, categorized by their bloom time:

Spring Bloomers:

  • Milkweed (Asclepias): The host plant for Monarch butterflies, milkweed is essential for their survival. It has clusters of small, fragrant flowers in various colors, attracting adult butterflies as well.
  • Columbine (Aquilegia): This shade-loving plant has drooping, bell-shaped flowers in red, yellow, orange, and purple, providing nectar for early-season butterflies.
  • Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla vulgaris): A low-growing plant with delicate, cup-shaped flowers in purple, blue, or white, blooming early in the spring.
  • Phlox: Phlox has fragrant flowers that bloom in clusters, attracting a variety of butterflies.
  • Violets (Viola): These small, cheerful flowers come in various colors and provide early nectar for butterflies.

Summer Bloomers:

  • Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii): A magnet for butterflies with its long, fragrant flower spikes in purple, pink, white, and red.
  • Coneflower (Echinacea): This daisy-like flower comes in various colors and attracts butterflies with its flat, open blooms.
  • Bee Balm (Monarda): This member of the mint family has clusters of tubular flowers in red, pink, purple, and white, a favorite among butterflies.
  • Lantana: This heat-tolerant plant blooms continuously throughout summer in clusters of small, colorful flowers, attracting butterflies and hummingbirds alike.
  • Yarrow (Achillea): This flat-topped flower comes in various colors and provides a long bloom season, attracting butterflies with its nectar-rich blooms.

Fall Bloomers:

  • Goldenrod (Solidago): Often mistaken for ragweed, goldenrod is a valuable nectar source for butterflies migrating south for the winter.
  • Aster (Aster): This diverse genus has many species with various flower colors and sizes, blooming from late summer to fall and providing essential nectar for butterflies.
  • Sedum: This succulent plant has clusters of star-shaped flowers in pink, white, or red, blooming in late summer and fall and attracting butterflies and other pollinators.
  • Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum): This tall plant has flat clusters of tiny purple flowers that provide nectar for late-season butterflies.
  • Passionflower (Passiflora): This unique vine has exotic, star-shaped flowers in various colors, attracting butterflies with its sweet nectar.

Remember, the best plants for your butterfly garden will depend on your local climate and the butterfly species you want to attract. Do some research to find out which native plants are best suited to your area and enjoy creating a vibrant haven for these beautiful creatures!

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you plant your butterfly haven:


  • Choose a location: Select a sunny spot with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Shelter from wind and rain is beneficial but allow enough space for butterflies to fly freely.
  • Research native plants: Focus on native species as they attract the most local butterflies and require less maintenance. Consult local guides or gardening centers for recommendations.
  • Plan your layout: Sketch your garden, considering sunlight, plant heights, and bloom times for continuous nectar availability. Group nectar and host plants together for easy butterfly access.
  • Prepare the soil: Test your soil's pH and amend it if necessary. Remove weeds and debris, loosen the soil to a good depth, and incorporate organic matter like compost.


  • Follow individual plant instructions: Refer to the planting instructions for each species regarding spacing, depth, and watering needs.
  • Plant nectar sources first: Prioritize nectar-rich flowers throughout the season, ensuring continuous food availability for adult butterflies.
  • Incorporate host plants: Include specific host plants for desired butterfly species, considering caterpillar preferences. Research safe alternatives if some host plants are invasive in your area.
  • Add other elements: Create a butterfly-friendly habitat by adding rocks for basking, shallow puddles for hydration, and small trees or shrubs for shelter.


  • Water regularly: Especially during the first year, water plants deeply but avoid overwatering. Gradually reduce watering as they establish.
  • Mulch: Apply a layer of organic mulch around plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and moderate soil temperature.
  • Deadhead spent blooms: Encourage continuous blooming by removing spent flowers, promoting more bud development.
  • Avoid harmful chemicals: Opt for organic methods for pest control to protect butterflies and beneficial insects.
  • Observe and learn: Watch your garden flourish and attract butterflies. Identify species and adjust your garden based on their preferences.

Additional Tips:

  • Start small and expand your garden gradually.
  • Consider container gardening if space is limited.

Get your community involved! Encourage neighbors to plant butterfly-friendly gardens to create a larger habitat network.

Remember, creating a butterfly garden is an ongoing process. Enjoy the journey, be patient, and witness the wonder of these beautiful creatures fluttering through your own little slice of paradise!

Transforming your space into a butterfly sanctuary involves more than just planting flowers; it is about creating a complete ecosystem that caters to their needs. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you achieve that:

Planning and Preparation:

Choose the right location:

  • Sunlight: Select a sunny spot with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Butterflies need warmth to be active.
  • Shelter: Provide protection from wind and rain with shrubs, rocks, or small trees. Consider wind direction and prevailing weather patterns.
  • Water: Include a shallow puddle or birdbath with flat rocks for butterflies to drink and obtain minerals.

Research native plants:

  • Nectar sources: Choose a variety of flowering plants with open blooms in different colors and bloom times, providing continuous nectar throughout the season. Examples include milkweed, coneflower, butterfly bush, and lantana.
  • Host plants: Select specific plants that cater to the butterfly species you wish to attract. These provide food for caterpillars. Research alternatives if some native host plants are invasive in your area.
  • Native vs. non-native: Prioritize native plants as they support local butterfly populations and require less maintenance.

Design your sanctuary:

  • Sketch a layout: Consider plant heights, bloom times, and spacing for easy access by butterflies. Group nectar and host plants together.
  • Create zones: Include areas for basking, feeding, breeding, and shelter.

Planting and Maintenance:

Prepare the soil:

  • Test pH and amend if necessary: Most butterflies prefer slightly alkaline soil.
  • Remove weeds and debris: Create a clean space for planting.
  • Loosen the soil: Ensure proper drainage and root growth.
  • Add organic matter: Improve soil quality and moisture retention with compost or aged manure.

Plant according to instructions:

Refer to specific needs of each plant regarding spacing, depth, and watering requirements.

Maintain your sanctuary:

  • Regular watering: Especially during the first year, water deeply but avoid overwatering.
  • Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around plants to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and regulate soil temperature.
  • Deadheading: Remove spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming.
  • Organic pest control: Avoid harmful chemicals to protect butterflies and beneficial insects.
  • Observation and learning: Observe butterfly activity and adjust your garden based on their preferences.

Additional Tips:

  • Start small and expand gradually: Do not overwhelm yourself; begin with a manageable area and add more later.
  • Consider container gardening: If space is limited, use pots and planters to create a butterfly haven.
  • Community involvement: Encourage neighbors to plant butterfly-friendly gardens to create a larger habitat network.

Beyond Plants:

  • Butterfly houses: Offer additional shelter, although natural options like shrubs and rocks are generally preferred.
  • Fruit feeders: Consider offering ripe fruits like oranges or bananas as supplementary food sources.
  • Minimize light pollution: Butterflies navigate by moonlight, so avoid excessive artificial lighting to create a more natural environment.

By following these steps and focusing on creating a diverse and welcoming habitat, you can turn your space into a thriving butterfly sanctuary, attracting these beautiful creatures and contributing to their conservation. Remember, patience and observation are key to success!

Here is a breakdown of nectar and host plants for butterflies, suitable for zones 3 through 9, keeping in mind the need to attract a variety of butterfly species:

Nectar Plants

  • Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii): A classic choice, known for its long blooming season and ability to attract a wide variety of butterflies.
  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): A hardy native plant with beautiful purple blooms that butterflies love.
  • Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia): Another cheerful native flower that provides nectar for many butterflies.
  • Salvia: Many varieties of salvia are excellent nectar sources, and their long blooming season keeps butterflies coming back for more.
  • Zinnia: These easy-to-grow annuals come in a wide array of colors and attract a variety of butterflies.

Host Plants

  • Milkweed (Asclepias): Essential for Monarch butterflies, but also used by other species. Choose varieties native to your region.
  • Aster: Asters support a number of butterfly species, including the Pearl Crescent and Checkerspot.
  • Spicebush (Lindera benzoin): This shrub is a host plant for the Spicebush Swallowtail.
  • Pawpaw (Asimina triloba): The Zebra Swallowtail butterfly relies on this small tree or shrub as its host plant.

Violets (Viola): These common plants are host to fritillary butterflies.

Tips for Choosing Plants

  • Diversity: Plant a variety of nectar and host plants to attract different butterfly species.
  • Native Plants: Native plants are often best adapted to your local climate and are more likely to attract native butterflies.
  • Bloom Time: Select plants with different bloom times to provide nectar throughout the butterfly season.
  • Caterpillar Food: Remember that caterpillars have different food preferences than adult butterflies.

By planting a combination of these nectar and host plants, you can create a beautiful garden that supports a thriving butterfly population.

Creating homemade butterfly baits is a fun and rewarding way to attract these beautiful creatures to your garden. Here are a few recipes you can try:

The Classic Fruit Bait

This is a simple and effective bait that attracts a wide variety of butterflies.


  • 2 ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baker's yeast
  • 1/2 cup stale beer or fruit juice (optional)


  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl or jar.
  • Cover loosely and let it ferment in a warm place for 1-2 days.
  • Stir occasionally.
  • Once fermented, apply the bait to tree trunks, rocks, or butterfly feeders.

The Sweet and Spicy Bait

This bait adds a bit of spice to attract even more butterflies.


  • 1 overripe mango, mashed
  • 1/2 cup molasses
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon baker's yeast


  • Combine all ingredients in a container.
  • Cover loosely and ferment for 2-3 days in a warm place.
  • Stir occasionally.
  • Apply the bait to surfaces in your garden.

The Tropical Treat

This bait is especially appealing to butterflies that enjoy tropical fruits.


  • 1 overripe pineapple, cored and chopped
  • 1 cup overripe papaya, mashed
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baker's yeast


  • Mix all ingredients together.
  • Cover loosely and let it ferment for 2-3 days in a warm, sunny spot.
  • Stir occasionally.
  • Apply the bait to your butterfly garden.

Tips for Using Butterfly Baits

  • Placement: Apply the bait to tree trunks, rocks, fence posts, or butterfly feeders.
  • Reapply: Reapply the bait every few days, especially after rain.
  • Experiment: Try different combinations of fruits and spices to see what works best in your area.
  • Safety: Keep the bait out of reach of children and pets.
  • Cleanliness: Clean up any spilled bait to avoid attracting unwanted pests.

Remember, attracting butterflies is about more than just bait. Provide a variety of nectar-rich flowers and host plants to create a welcoming habitat for these fascinating creatures.

Homemade butterfly baits can be a fun and rewarding way to attract butterflies to your garden. Here is a breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • Cost-effective: Often made with inexpensive ingredients like overripe fruit, sugar, and yeast.
  • Attracts a variety of species: The fermented fruit smell can lure in a wider range of butterflies than flowers alone.
  • Easy to make: Simple recipes and readily available ingredients make it accessible to everyone.
  • Supplemental feeding: Provides butterflies with extra nutrients, especially important in early spring or late summer when flowers are scarce.
  • Observation opportunities: Offers a chance to observe butterflies up close as they feed.


  • Messy: Fermented fruit can be sticky and attract unwanted insects like wasps and ants.
  • May not be aesthetically pleasing Bait stations might not blend in with a carefully manicured garden.
  • Requires regular maintenance: Baits need to be refreshed regularly to prevent mold and maintain effectiveness.
  • May attract unwanted pests: Besides wasps and ants, rotting fruit can also attract rodents or raccoons.
  • Potential for disease transmission: If not properly maintained, bait stations could potentially spread diseases among butterflies.

Tips for Using Butterfly Baits:

  • Placement: Place bait stations in a shady spot, away from high traffic areas and children's play areas.
  • Containers: Use shallow dishes or sponges to hold the bait and prevent butterflies from drowning.
  • Hygiene: Clean bait stations regularly to prevent mold and bacteria buildup.
  • Variety: Offer a variety of baits to attract different butterfly species.
  • Natural alternatives: Consider planting nectar-rich flowers as a more natural way to attract butterflies.

By weighing the pros and cons and following these tips, you can decide if homemade butterfly baits are right for your garden.

Butterflies need water, but they cannot land on open water to drink. They need a safe place to "puddle," which means they gather on damp soil or around mud puddles to extract minerals and salts. Here are some water sources you can use to create a butterfly puddling station:

Natural Puddles:

Pros: Eco-friendly, readily available in some areas, and naturally attractive to butterflies.

Cons: May not be present in all gardens, can dry up quickly, and may be difficult to maintain.

Puddling Dish:

Pros: Easy to create and maintain, can be placed anywhere in the garden, and allows for customization.

Cons: Requires regular refilling and cleaning, may not be as visually appealing as natural puddles.

Materials: Use a shallow dish like a plant saucer, pie tin, or birdbath bowl.

Filling: Fill with sand, compost, or soil, then add water to create mud. Add pebbles or stones for landing spots.

Puddling Stone:

Pros: Attractive and natural-looking, provides a stable landing surface for butterflies.

Cons: Can be more expensive than other options, may require occasional cleaning.

Types: Many garden centers sell pre-made puddling stones with shallow depressions. You can also make your own using concrete or a large, flat stone with a natural depression.

Bird Bath with Pebbles:

Pros: Dual-purpose, provides water for both birds and butterflies.

Cons: May be too deep for some butterflies, ensure there are plenty of pebbles for safe landing.

Damp Sand:

Pros: Simple and inexpensive, provides a good source of minerals.

Cons: Can dry out quickly, may need frequent watering.

Tips for Maintaining Puddling Stations:

  • Location: Place in a sunny spot, sheltered from wind.
  • Moisture: Keep the puddling area consistently moist, but not flooded.
  • Minerals: Add a pinch of sea salt or wood ashes to the water for extra minerals.
  • Cleaning: Clean the puddling station regularly to prevent mold and bacteria buildup.

By providing a variety of puddling stations, you can attract a diverse range of butterflies to your garden and help them thrive.

While the idea of a "butterfly house" is popular, butterflies generally do not use them in the same way birds use birdhouses. However, there are a few types of shelters that can provide butterflies with protection and encourage them to stay in your garden:

Natural Shelters:

  • Dense Shrubs and Trees: Thick vegetation offers butterflies a place to hide from predators, escape strong winds, and roost during the night or bad weather. Evergreens are particularly helpful for overwintering butterflies.
  • Tall Grasses and Wildflower Meadows: These provide cover and shelter, especially for smaller butterfly species.
  • Rock Piles: Rocks absorb heat from the sun and create warm, sheltered microclimates. Butterflies can bask on the rocks or hide in the crevices.
  • Log Piles: Similar to rock piles, log piles offer hiding places and protection from the elements.

Butterfly Boxes:

  • Limited Use: While butterflies might occasionally use them for roosting, they primarily serve as a visual reminder of butterfly conservation.
  • Design: Should have narrow vertical slits for entry and a rough interior surface for clinging.
  • Placement: Place in a sheltered location, away from wind and rain.

Overwintering Boxes:

  • Specific Purpose: Designed for butterfly species that overwinter as adults, like Mourning Cloaks.
  • Construction: Similar to butterfly boxes, but with added insulation and ventilation.
  • Placement: Place in a sheltered location, facing south or east to catch morning sun.

Key Considerations for Butterfly Shelters:

  • Shelter from Wind: Butterflies are delicate and can be easily blown around. Sheltered locations are essential.
  • Protection from Rain: Butterflies need to stay dry to avoid being weighed down and vulnerable.
  • Warmth: Butterflies are cold-blooded and need access to sunny spots to warm up.

Camouflage: Natural shelters offer better camouflage and protection from predators.

Creating a butterfly-friendly garden goes beyond providing food. By incorporating these shelter options, you can offer butterflies a safe and welcoming haven in your backyard.


When it comes to food sources for butterflies, not all plants are created equal. Through evolution, individual butterfly species became highly selective with the types of plants they feed on. While many plant varieties can attract butterflies, some are better than others for providing essential nutrients.

Adult butterflies and their offspring differ in the way they consume food. Adults drink through a long tubular tongue, relying solely on liquid sources such as flower nectar, tree sap, and fallen fruit. Butterfly larvae have chewing mouth parts, feeding on leafy food sources such as milkweed foliage, herbs, trees, and grasses.

By learning which plants and flowers are the best food sources, you can attract and support butterflies in your yard.

Asters (Symphyotrichum) are a favorite of butterflies for several reasons:  

  • Late Blooming: Asters bloom in late summer and fall, providing a crucial nectar source for butterflies when many other flowers have faded. This is especially important for migrating species like Monarchs who need to fuel up for their long journeys.
  • Abundant Flowers: Asters produce masses of small, daisy-like flowers with easily accessible nectar and pollen. This abundance makes them an efficient food source for butterflies.
  • Variety of Colors: Asters come in a range of colors, including blue, purple, pink, and white, which attract a diversity of butterfly species.
  • Native Habitat: Many asters are native to North America and are well-suited to the needs of native butterflies. They are an important part of the natural ecosystem.

Examples of Asters that are particularly attractive to butterflies:

  • New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae): This tall aster has showy purple flowers and is a favorite of Monarch butterflies.
  • Aromatic Aster (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium): This aster has fragrant foliage and blue or purple flowers that attract a variety of butterflies.
  • New York Aster (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii): This aster comes in a variety of colors and is a popular choice for butterfly gardens.
  • Calico Aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum): This aster has small, white flowers with pink or purple centers and is a good choice for attracting smaller butterflies.

By planting asters in your garden, you can provide a valuable food source for butterflies and help support their populations.

You will also enjoy the beauty of these vibrant flowers and the lively activity they bring to your garden.

  • Zones: 3-8
  • Bloom time: Summer to fall
  • Flower colors: Blue, pink, purple, white
  • Height: 1 to 6 feet tall

Bee balm (Monarda) is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family (Lamiaceae) native to North America. They are aromatic herbs with showy, nectar-rich flowers that are highly attractive to pollinators, including butterflies.

Butterfly Appeal:

  • Tubular Flower Shape: The unique tubular shape of bee balm flowers is perfectly suited for butterflies to access the nectar with their long proboscis.
  • Abundant Nectar: Bee balm flowers produce a large amount of nectar, providing a valuable food source for butterflies.
  • Variety of Colors: Bee balm comes in a wide range of colors, including red, pink, purple, and white, which are visually appealing to butterflies.
  • Long Blooming Period: Bee balm typically blooms from mid-summer to early fall, providing a consistent source of nectar for butterflies throughout the season.

Some of the butterfly species that are attracted to bee balm include:

  • Swallowtails: These large, colorful butterflies are frequent visitors to bee balm patches.
  • Fritillaries: These medium-sized butterflies with orange and black markings are also drawn to bee balm.
  • Skippers: These small, fast-flying butterflies are often seen hovering around bee balm flowers.
  • Checkered White: This small butterfly with distinctive black and white markings is also attracted to bee balm.

In addition to butterflies, bee balm also attracts other pollinators such as:

  • Hummingbirds: The long, tubular flowers are perfectly suited for hummingbirds to feed on.
  • Bees: Bee balm is a favorite of many bee species, including honeybees and bumblebees.

By planting bee balm in your garden, you can create a beautiful and beneficial habitat for butterflies and other pollinators.

  • Zones: 3-9
  • Bloom time: Summer
  • Flower colors: Red, pink, lavender, purple, white
  • Height: 1 to 4 feet tall

Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia) are a favorite of butterflies for several reasons:  

Landing Platform: The large, flat center of the flower head provides a stable landing platform for butterflies to rest on while they feed.

  • Abundant Nectar and Pollen: Black-eyed Susans produce ample nectar and pollen, which are essential food sources for butterflies.
  • Long Bloom Time: These flowers bloom for an extended period, typically from mid-summer to fall, providing butterflies with a consistent food source.
  • Bright Colors: Butterflies are attracted to bright colors, and the vibrant yellow petals of Black-eyed Susans act as a beacon.  

In addition to these factors, Black-eyed Susans are relatively easy to grow and maintain, making them a popular choice for gardeners who want to attract butterflies to their yards.

Here are some additional details about the relationship between Black-eyed Susans and butterflies:

Butterfly Species: While many butterfly species visit Black-eyed Susans, some of the most common include:

  • Monarchs  
  • Swallowtails  
  • Painted Ladies
  • Red Admirals
  • Pearl Crescents  
  • Silvery Checkerspots  

Gardening Tips: To attract even more butterflies to your Black-eyed Susans, consider planting them in clumps or masses, and provide a water source nearby. You can also avoid using pesticides that can harm butterflies.

By planting Black-eyed Susans, you can create a beautiful and welcoming habitat for these important pollinators.

  • Zones: 3-9
  • Bloom time: Summer
  • Flower colors: Bronze, gold, mahogany, orange, or yellow, with a dark center
  • Height: 1 to 4 feet tall

Blazing star (Liatris) is a genus of perennial flowering plants native to North America. They are known for their tall, slender stems and vibrant, feathery flower spikes that bloom in shades of purple, pink, and white. These flowers are a favorite of butterflies for several reasons:  

  • Abundant Nectar: Blazing stars are excellent nectar producers, providing a rich food source for butterflies. The flowers are arranged in a way that makes it easy for butterflies to access the nectar with their long proboscises.
  • Flower Structure: The individual flowers on a blazing star spike are small and tightly packed together, creating a large surface area for butterflies to land on and feed.
  • Bloom Time: Blazing stars typically bloom in mid to late summer, a time when many butterfly species are active and require energy for migration or breeding.

Specific Butterfly Appeal:

  • Monarch Butterflies: Blazing stars are a crucial nectar source for monarch butterflies during their fall migration to Mexico.
  • Other Butterfly Species: In addition to monarchs, blazing stars attract a wide variety of other butterflies, including swallowtails, skippers, painted ladies, and red admirals.
  • Additional Benefits for Wildlife:
  • Birds: After the flowers fade, the seed heads provide food for birds, such as goldfinches.
  • Other Pollinators: Blazing stars also attract bees, hummingbirds, and other beneficial insects to the garden.

If you are looking to attract butterflies to your garden, planting blazing stars is an excellent choice! They are relatively low-maintenance plants that thrive in sunny locations with well-drained soil.

  • Bloom time: Summer
  • Flower colors: Lavender, pink, purple, white
  • Height: 1 to 5 feet tall

Butterfly bushes, also known as Buddleia or summer lilac, are flowering shrubs renowned for their ability to attract butterflies and other pollinators.

They produce long, conical clusters of blossoms in a variety of colors, including purple, pink, white, and red. These fragrant flowers are rich in nectar, making them irresistible to butterflies, bees, and even hummingbirds.

Butterfly Appeal

The butterfly appeal of Buddleia is due to several factors:

  • Abundant Nectar: The flowers produce a large quantity of nectar, a primary food source for butterflies.
  • Fragrant Blooms: The sweet scent of the flowers helps guide butterflies and other pollinators to the plant.
  • Flower Shape: The long, tubular shape of the flowers is ideal for butterflies to reach the nectar with their long proboscis.
  • Color Variety: The vibrant colors of the blooms are visually attractive to butterflies.
  • Long Blooming Period: Butterfly bushes typically bloom from mid-summer to fall, providing a continuous source of nectar for butterflies throughout the season.

In addition to attracting butterflies, butterfly bushes are relatively low-maintenance and can thrive in a variety of conditions. However, it is important to note that some species of Buddleia can be invasive in certain regions. It is always recommended to choose non-invasive varieties or take measures to prevent the spread of the plant.

Overall, butterfly bushes are a popular choice for gardeners looking to attract pollinators and add beauty to their landscapes. Their fragrant blooms and abundant nectar make them a haven for butterflies, enhancing the biodiversity and ecological balance of the garden.

  • Plant type: Shrub
  • Zones: 5-9
  • Bloom time: Summer to early fall
  • Flower colors: Blue, pink, purple, white, yellow, bicolored
  • Height: 4 to 12 feet tall

Catmint (Nepeta) is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae.

They are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, and have been introduced to North America and other parts of the world. Catmint is a popular garden plant, known for its attractive flowers, aromatic foliage, and ability to attract pollinators, especially butterflies.

Butterfly Appeal

  • Nectar Source: Catmint flowers are a rich source of nectar, which is a primary food source for butterflies. The flowers are typically small and tubular, making them easily accessible to butterflies' long proboscises.
  • Abundant Blooms: Catmint produces an abundance of flowers over a long blooming period, typically from late spring to early fall, providing a continuous food supply for butterflies.
  • Color Variety: Catmint flowers come in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, pink, and white, which are attractive to a wide range of butterfly species.
  • Fragrant Foliage: The aromatic foliage of catmint also contains volatile oils that may attract butterflies and other beneficial insects.

In addition to butterflies, catmint also attracts other pollinators such as bees, hummingbirds, and hoverflies. It is a valuable addition to any pollinator garden or wildlife habitat.

Here are some popular catmint varieties that are particularly attractive to butterflies:

  • Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low': This is a popular cultivar with lavender-blue flowers and a long blooming season.
  • Nepeta racemosa 'Little Titch': This is a compact variety with deep purple flowers that is ideal for smaller gardens or containers.
  • Nepeta grandiflora 'Dawn to Dusk': This variety has large, fragrant pink flowers that bloom from early summer to fall.

If you want to attract butterflies to your garden, planting catmint is a great way to do it. These beautiful and easy-to-grow plants will provide a valuable food source for butterflies and other pollinators, adding life and color to your garden.

  • Zones: 3-9
  • Bloom time: Late spring to fall
  • Flower colors: Blue, lavender, pink, purple, white, yellow
  • Height: 1 to 3 feet tall

Coneflowers (Echinacea) are a fantastic addition to any butterfly garden! Here is why they are so appealing to these winged beauties:

  • Abundant Nectar: Coneflowers are a rich source of nectar, a sugary liquid that provides butterflies with the energy they need for flight, mating, and laying eggs.
  • Large, Colorful Blooms: Their large, daisy-like flowers with prominent central cones act as beacons for butterflies, signaling a readily available food source.  
  • Easy Access: The shape of the coneflower allows butterflies to easily land and feed on the nectar, with their long proboscis reaching deep into the flower head.
  • Long Blooming Period: Coneflowers bloom for an extended period, typically from mid-summer to fall, providing butterflies with a consistent food source throughout the season.

Popular Coneflower Varieties for Butterflies:

  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): This classic variety is a favorite of many butterfly species, including Monarchs, Swallowtails, and Painted Ladies.
  • Echinacea 'Butterfly Rainbow Marcella': This cultivar boasts a vibrant mix of colors, attracting a wide range of butterflies.
  • Echinacea 'Postman': With its fiery red flowers and strong honey scent, this variety is a magnet for pollinators.

By planting coneflowers in your garden, you will not only enjoy their beautiful blooms but also contribute to the health and well-being of these vital pollinators.

  • Zones: 3-9
  • Bloom time: Summer to early fall
  • Flower colors: Pink, purple, white, yellow, orange, red, green, and bicolored
  • Height: 1 to 4 feet tall

False indigo (Baptisia) is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family. They are native to North America and are known for their showy, pea-like flowers that bloom in the spring and early summer.

Butterfly Appeal

False indigo is highly attractive to butterflies for several reasons:  

  • Nectar Source: The flowers provide a rich source of nectar, which is an essential food source for butterflies.
  • Host Plant: Some species of false indigo serve as host plants for butterfly larvae (caterpillars). This means that butterflies lay their eggs on these plants, and the caterpillars feed on the leaves.
  • Color and Shape: Butterflies are attracted to the bright colors and the shape of the false indigo flowers, which signal the presence of nectar.

Specific Butterfly Species Attracted to False Indigo

  • Wild Indigo Duskywing: This butterfly relies on false indigo as its primary host plant. The caterpillars feed exclusively on the leaves of Baptisia species.
  • Silver-spotted Skipper: This butterfly also uses false indigo as a host plant, although it has a wider range of host plants compared to the Wild Indigo Duskywing.
  • Other Butterflies: Many other butterfly species, including swallowtails, monarchs, and painted ladies, may visit false indigo flowers for nectar.

Tips for Maximizing Butterfly Appeal

  • Plant in Full Sun: False indigo thrives in full sun, which also helps to attract butterflies.
  • Plant in Groups: Planting false indigo in groups makes them more visible to butterflies and creates a larger nectar source.
  • Combine with Other Pollinator-Friendly Plants: Create a diverse garden that attracts a variety of pollinators by planting false indigo alongside other butterfly-friendly plants.
  • Avoid Pesticides: Pesticides can harm butterflies and other beneficial insects. Choose organic gardening methods to protect pollinators.

By planting false indigo in your garden, you can create a beautiful and welcoming habitat for butterflies and other pollinators.

  • Zones: 3-10
  • Bloom time: Late spring to early summer
  • Flower colors: Blue, burnt orange, chocolate, lavender, pink, purple, white, yellow
  • Height: 4 to 5 feet tall

Hollyhocks (Alcea) are a beloved addition to gardens due to their stunning, tall flower spikes that add a touch of cottagecore charm. Their appeal to butterflies lies in several factors:  

  • Abundant Nectar: Hollyhocks produce large quantities of nectar, a sugary liquid that is a primary food source for many butterflies.
  • Vibrant Colors: Hollyhocks come in a wide array of bright colors, including pink, red, yellow, purple, and white, which are highly attractive to butterflies.
  • Open Flower Structure: Their open, cup-shaped flowers provide easy access for butterflies to land and feed on the nectar.
  • Continuous Blooming: Many varieties of hollyhocks have a long blooming period, ensuring a consistent food supply for butterflies throughout the season.

By planting hollyhocks in your garden, you can create a welcoming habitat for butterflies, contributing to their survival and adding beauty to your surroundings. Plant type: Biennial or short-lived perennial

  • Zones: 3-8
  • Bloom time: Summer
  • Flower colors: Burgundy, chocolate, mauve, peach, pink, purple, red, white, yellow
  • Height: 2 to 8 feet tall

Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium) is a genus of tall, flowering perennial plants native to North America.

They are known for their large, dome-shaped clusters of pink, purple, or white flowers that bloom in late summer and early fall. These flowers are highly attractive to butterflies, making Joe Pye Weed a popular choice for butterfly gardens.

Butterfly Appeal

  • Abundant Nectar: Joe Pye Weed flowers produce a large amount of nectar, a sugary liquid that provides energy for butterflies.
  • Flower Structure: The tiny, tubular florets that make up the flower clusters are perfectly shaped for butterflies to access the nectar with their long proboscis (tongue).
  • Late Blooming: Joe Pye Weed blooms late in the season when many other nectar sources are dwindling, providing a crucial food source for butterflies preparing for migration or overwintering.

Popular Joe Pye Weed species for butterflies:

  • Spotted Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium maculatum): This species has distinctive purple spots on its stems and is a favorite of Monarchs and Swallowtails.
  • Sweet Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum): This species has a vanilla-like fragrance and is particularly attractive to a wide variety of butterflies.

By planting Joe Pye Weed in your garden, you can create a beautiful and beneficial habitat for butterflies, contributing to their conservation and enjoying their presence in your outdoor space.

  • Zones: 4-9
  • Bloom time: Mid-summer to fall
  • Flower colors: Pink, purple
  • Height: 3 to 8 feet tall

Lantana plants are known for their ability to attract butterflies, and for good reason! Here's why butterflies love lantana:  

  • Abundant Nectar: Lantana flowers produce a rich nectar that butterflies find irresistible. This nectar provides butterflies with the energy they need to fly, mate, and reproduce.
  • Vibrant Colors: Lantanas come in a wide variety of bright colors, including red, orange, yellow, purple, and white. These vibrant colors act as beacons, attracting butterflies from afar.  
  • Clustered Flowers: Lantana flowers grow in clusters, providing a landing platform for butterflies and allowing them to easily access multiple flowers at once.
  • Long Blooming Season: Lantanas bloom for a long period, typically from spring to fall, providing a consistent source of nectar for butterflies throughout much of the year.

If you are looking to attract butterflies to your garden, planting lantana is a great way to do it! Plant type: Tender perennial, usually grown as an annual

  • Zones: 9-11
  • Bloom time: Planting to frost
  • Flower colors: Single, bi- or multi-colored in hues of coral, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow
  • Height: 2 to 6 feet tall

Lavandula Butterfly Appeal refers to the Lavandula stoechas, also known as Butterfly Lavender or Spanish Lavender. It is called "Butterfly Appeal" because of its unique flower shape that resembles butterflies.

This type of lavender is particularly attractive to pollinators, especially butterflies, due to its vibrant purple color and fragrant nectar.

Key features of Lavandula stoechas (Butterfly Lavender):

  • Distinctive "wings": The flower spikes are topped with large, colorful bracts that look like butterfly wings. These bracts are usually a deeper purple than the flowers themselves.
  • Compact size: It is a smaller variety of lavender, typically growing to about 2 feet tall and wide, making it suitable for smaller gardens or containers.
  • Attracts pollinators: The fragrant flowers are a magnet for butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects.
  • Drought-tolerant: Once established, it requires minimal watering.
  • Mediterranean origins: It thrives in sunny, well-drained locations.

If you are looking to add a touch of lavender to your garden and attract butterflies, Lavandula stoechas (Butterfly Lavender) is an excellent choice!

  • Zones: 5-9
  • Bloom time: Late spring to early fall
  • Flower colors: Blue, lavender, pink, purple, white
  • Height: 1 to 4 feet tall

Asclepias, commonly known as milkweed, is a genus of herbaceous plants that has a very special appeal to butterflies, particularly Monarch butterflies. Here is why:  

  • Host Plant: Milkweed is the only plant that Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on and that their caterpillars eat. This makes it essential for their survival.
  • Nectar Source: Milkweed flowers are a rich source of nectar, providing butterflies with the energy they need for flight and reproduction.
  • Chemical Defense: Milkweed contains toxic compounds called cardenolides. These compounds are not harmful to Monarch caterpillars, but they make them poisonous to predators, offering them protection.

In summary: Asclepias' appeal to butterflies lies in its role as a host plant, a nectar source, and a provider of chemical defense, making it a crucial component of their life cycle and survival.

Here are some additional details that might be of interest:

  • Variety: There are many different species of Asclepias, each with its own unique characteristics and appeal to butterflies. Some popular varieties include Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed), Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed), and Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed).
  • Gardening: Asclepias is a popular choice for butterfly gardens, as it attracts a wide variety of butterflies and other pollinators. It is relatively easy to grow and care for, making it a great option for gardeners of all levels of experience.
  • Conservation: Due to habitat loss and other factors, Monarch butterfly populations have been declining in recent years. Planting Asclepias is a great way to help support Monarch butterflies and other pollinators. Zones: 5-9
  • Bloom time: Summer
  • Flower colors: Pink, purple, orange, yellow, white
  • Height: 2 to 4 feet tall

Phlox is a genus of flowering plants that comes in a wide variety of colors and forms, making it a popular choice for gardens. Its appeal to butterflies lies in several factors:  

  • Abundant Nectar: Phlox flowers produce a rich supply of nectar, a sugary liquid that butterflies rely on for energy. The shape of the flower also allows butterflies to easily access the nectar with their long proboscis (tongue).
  • Bright Colors: Butterflies are attracted to bright colors, particularly reds, purples, pinks, and yellows, which are common colors found in phlox varieties.
  • Fragrance: Many phlox species have a sweet fragrance that can further attract butterflies and other pollinators.
  • Flowering Period: Phlox blooms over a relatively long period, typically from summer to fall, providing a consistent food source for butterflies throughout the season.

Popular Phlox varieties for butterflies:

  • Garden Phlox (Phlox paniculata): This is a classic choice with tall, fragrant flower clusters in a variety of colors.
  • Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulata): This low-growing variety is ideal for ground cover and attracts butterflies in the spring.
  • Wild Sweet William (Phlox maculata): This native species features tall, slender stems with clusters of fragrant flowers.

Tips for attracting butterflies with phlox:

  • Plant in full sun: Phlox thrives in sunny locations, which also encourages more nectar production.
  • Provide adequate moisture: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  • Deadhead spent blooms: This encourages more flowers to develop and extends the blooming period.
  • Choose a variety of colors: Planting different phlox colors can attract a wider range of butterfly species.

By planting phlox in your garden, you can create a beautiful and welcoming habitat for butterflies while enjoying their colorful presence.

  • Zones: 4-8
  • Bloom time: Summer
  • Flower colors: Blue, coral, orange, pink, plum, purple, red, white, yellow, bicolored
  • Height: 6 to 48 inches tall

Salvia, commonly known as sage, is a large genus of plants with over 1,000 species including herbs, shrubs, and subshrubs. Many species are cultivated as ornamental plants for their attractive flowers, foliage, and fragrance. Some species, like Salvia officinalis (common sage), are also used as culinary herbs or for medicinal purposes.

Butterflies are attracted to Salvia plants for several reasons:  

  • Nectar: Salvia flowers are a rich source of nectar, providing butterflies with the energy they need to fly and reproduce.
  • Color: Butterflies are attracted to bright colors, and Salvia flowers come in a wide range of colors, including red, purple, blue, pink, and white.
  • Shape: Salvia flowers have a tubular shape that is perfect for butterflies to access the nectar with their long proboscis.
  • Bloom time: Many Salvia species bloom for a long period, providing butterflies with a continuous food source.

If you are looking to attract butterflies to your garden, planting Salvia is a great option.

  • Butterfly appeal: This mint relative with scented foliage is long-lived, reliable, and drought-tolerant. Spiky or tubular flowers appeal to many butterfly species including American lady, cabbage white, and different types of skippers, swallowtails, and sulfurs.
  • Plant type: Perennial
  • Zones: 4-12
  • Bloom time: Late spring to fall
  • Flower colors: Blue, coral, mauve, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow, white
  • Height: 1 to 5 feet tall

Shasta Daisies (Leucanthemum superbum) are a favorite for butterflies for several reasons:

  • Open Flower Structure: Shasta daisies have a classic daisy form with a prominent central disk surrounded by white petals (ray florets). This open structure provides easy access to the nectar and pollen within the flower head, making it simple for butterflies with their long proboscises to reach.
  • Abundant Nectar and Pollen: The central disk of the Shasta daisy is composed of numerous tiny, individual flowers (disk florets) that produce ample nectar and pollen, essential food sources for butterflies.
  • Bright White Color: Butterflies are attracted to bright colors, particularly white, yellow, and purple. The brilliant white petals of the Shasta daisy act as a beacon, signaling a potential food source from afar.
  • Long Blooming Period: Shasta daisies have a relatively long blooming season, extending from early summer to fall. This provides a consistent food supply for butterflies throughout a significant portion of their active period.

In addition to these factors, Shasta daisies are often planted in sunny locations, which butterflies prefer as they need the warmth of the sun to fly.

By planting Shasta daisies in your garden, you can help support local butterfly populations and enjoy the beauty of these colorful pollinators.

  • Zones: 5-9
  • Bloom time: Early summer to fall
  • Flower colors: White or pale yellow with a dark yellow center
  • Height: 6 to 48 inches tall

Stonecrop, also known by its scientific name Sedum, is a diverse group of succulent plants that are incredibly popular in gardens. They are known for their hardiness, drought tolerance, and attractive foliage, but they also have a special appeal for butterflies!

  • Zones: 3-8
  • Bloom time: Summer to fall
  • Flower colors: Pink, white, yellow, red, purple, orange
  • Height: 3 to 36 inches tall

Here is a breakdown of why butterflies love stonecrop:

  • Late-Season Nectar Source: Stonecrop blooms in late summer to fall, providing a crucial nectar source for butterflies when many other flowers are fading. This is especially important for migrating species like Monarchs who need to fuel up for their long journeys.
  • Abundant Flower Clusters: Stonecrop produces dense clusters of small, star-shaped flowers. This abundance of blooms provides a plentiful source of nectar, attracting a wide variety of butterfly species.
  • Easy Access: The flat-topped flower clusters offer a convenient landing platform for butterflies, allowing them to easily access the nectar.
  • Variety of Colors: Stonecrop comes in a range of colors, including pink, white, yellow, red, and purple, further attracting butterflies with their visual appeal.

Butterfly Species Attracted to Stonecrop:

While many butterflies visit stonecrop, some common visitors include:

  • American Painted Lady: These colorful butterflies are frequent visitors to stonecrop, especially in late summer and fall.
  • Buckeye: These medium-sized butterflies with distinctive eyespots are often seen feeding on stonecrop nectar.
  • Silver-spotted Skipper: These small, fast-flying butterflies are attracted to the abundant nectar provided by stonecrop.
  • Various Fritillaries: Different Fritillary species, known for their orange and black patterned wings, are also drawn to stonecrop.

Growing Stonecrop:

Stonecrop is incredibly easy to grow, making it a great choice for gardeners of all levels. Here are some basic tips:  

  • Sunlight: Plant in full sun (at least 6 hours per day) for the best flowering.
  • Soil: Well-drained soil is essential to prevent root rot.
  • Water: Water regularly when first planted, but once established, stonecrop is very drought-tolerant.
  • Maintenance: Deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms. Divide clumps every few years to maintain vigor.

By adding stonecrop to your garden, you will not only enjoy its beauty and ease of care, but you will also provide a valuable food source for butterflies in the late season.

A hardy perennial known for its attractive clusters of small, daisy-like flowers and its ability to withstand a variety of conditions. It is a popular choice for butterfly gardens due to its nectar-rich flowers and long blooming season.

  • Butterfly appeal: Prolific clusters of brightly colored flowers make this a favorite nectar source of many butterflies.
  • Zones: 3-9
  • Bloom time: Summer to early fall
  • Flower colors: Yellow, red, purple, pink, coral, orange, white
  • Height: 1 to 4 feet tall

Butterfly Appeal:

  • Prolific Bloom: Yarrow's abundant flowers provide a continuous source of nectar for butterflies throughout the summer and fall.
  • Variety of Colors: Yarrow comes in various colors, including white, yellow, pink, purple, and red, attracting different butterfly species.
  • Low Maintenance: Once established, yarrow is drought-tolerant and requires minimal care, making it an ideal choice for busy gardeners.
  • Host Plant: While not a primary host plant, some butterfly species, like the Pearl Crescent, have been observed laying eggs on yarrow leaves.

Additional Benefits:

  • Medicinal Uses: Yarrow has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb to treat a variety of ailments.
  • Attracts Other Pollinators: In addition to butterflies, yarrow attracts bees, wasps, and other beneficial insects.
  • Erosion Control: Yarrow's dense roots help stabilize soil and prevent erosion.

How to Plant Yarrow:

  • Choose a Location: Yarrow thrives in full sun but can tolerate partial shade. Select a well-drained location with average soil fertility.
  • Propagation: Yarrow can be propagated by division of existing plants or from seeds.
  • Planting: Plant yarrow in spring or fall, spacing plants 12-18 inches apart.
  • Care: Water regularly until established, then water only occasionally during dry periods. Fertilize lightly in spring if needed.
  • Pruning: Prune after flowering to encourage new growth.

By planting yarrow in your garden, you can provide a valuable resource for butterflies and other pollinators while enjoying its beauty and versatility.