Diseases Affecting Herbaceous Perennials
Disease |
Favorable Environmental Conditions for Development |
Typical Symptoms |
Cultural Management |
Chemical Management |
Agrobacterium tumefaciens Crown Gall |
Symptoms of infection usually most evident mid to end of summer |
Galls at crown or base of plant; callus or shoot proliferations along stem; systemic |
Clean stock |
None |
Alternaria Leaf Spot |
Warm temps, humidity, prolonged standing water on leaf surface |
Reddish or purple spots usually with brown/ necrotic centers |
Good air flow around plants, keep free water on leaf surface to a minimum, remove diseased foliage |
Medallion, Compass Heritage, Daconil Ultrex, Chipco 26019, Pageant, Veranda O |
Anthracnose Leaf Spot |
Warm temps, prolonged standing water on leaf surface |
Tan, black, or brown leaf spots irregular spots; some- times spores can be observed in spot with hand lens |
Good air flow around plants, keep free water on leaf surface |
Daconil Ultrex, Heritage, Compass, Pageant, Medallion, Cease |
Aster Yellows |
Symptoms of infection usually most evident |
Flowers become green and distorted; new shoots are yellow, spindly, & stunted. |
Clean stock |
Use yellow sticky cards |
Bacteria Leaf Spots (ex: Xanthamonas, Pseudomonas) |
Warm temps, prolonged standing water on leaf surface and high humidity |
Red, brown, black, purple irregular or round shaped spots with yellow halo |
Clean stock |
Copper-based products such as Phyton 27, Camelot, or Kocide can reduce disease symptoms, but will not eliminate bacteria |
Botrytis |
Moderate to cool temps, high humidity or prolonged standing water on leaf surface |
White/grey spores; primarily attacks dead, decay- ing, or diseased plant parts and spreads to healthy plant tissue when disease is not controlled. |
Good air flow around plants to dry out decaying plant tissue |
Decree, Terragaurd, Medallion, Daconil Ultrex, Heritage, Compass, Chipco |
Cercospora Leaf Spot |
Moderate to cool temps and prolonged leaf wetness |
Spots with tan centers and purple borders; sometimes small black spores visible in center |
Good air flow around plants, keep free water on leaf surface to a minimum, |
Daconil Ultrex, Heritage |
Downy Mildew |
Warm to cool temperatures, prolonged standing water on leaf surface, high relative humidity, cloudy days |
Faint or bright red/purple/ tan angular leaf spots (can resemble foliar nematode symptoms); white fuzzy spores may be seen underneath leaf if disease is advanced |
Good air flow around plants; keep free water on leaf surface to a minimum, monitor relative humidity & attempt to decrease if too |
Aliette, Heritage, Alude, Stature DM, mancozeb-based fungicide, Subdue Maxx |
Fusarium Crown or Root Rot |
Warm soil, excess water and/or fertilizer |
Initially older leaves yellow |
Avoid overwatering, reduce fertilization |
Terraguard, Cleary 3336 |
Powdery Mildew |
Moderate or cool temps, high humidity, cloudy days |
Starts out as round white/ grey spots on leaf surface, spots quickly coalesce to cover entire leaf |
Good air flow; remove diseased foliage |
Compass, Eagle, Terraguard, Cleary 3336, Heritage, Milstop, Pageant |
Pythium |
Excess soil moisture or root tips in standing water under pots, excess fertilizer, plant stress |
Yellow, stunted or wilted plants, roots turn brown, sometimes outer root tissue pulls away, leaving only vascular tube |
Avoid overwatering, reduce fertilization, avoid plant stress |
Subdue Maxx, Aliette, Truban, Banrot, Alude |
Rhizoctonia Crown Rot |
Warm temps, high humidity, excess water and/or fertilizer, plant stress |
Foliage may turn yellow and wilt; reddish brown lesions/ cankers on infected roots and crown |
Avoid overwatering, reduce fertilization |
Compass, Medallion, Chipco 26GT, Cleary 3336, Terraguard, Heritage, Veranda O |
Rhizoctonia Web Blight |
Warm temps, prolonged standing water on leaf surace, dense canopy |
Foliage becomes water- soaked and rots, sometimes the brown web-like growth if the fungus is noticible, |
Good air flow around plants, keep free water on leaf surface to a minimum, remove diseased foliage |
Compass, Heritage, Cleary |
Rust |
Moderate temps, prolonged standing water on leaf surface & high humidity |
Sometimes brown, red, or orange leaf spots on upper leaf; round, raised brown |
Good air flow around plants; keep free water on leaf surface to a minimum, remove disease foliage |
Eagle, Compass, Heritage, Cleary 3336, Daconil Ultrex, Protect DF, Pageant |
Septoria Leaf Spot |
Moderate temps, prolonged standing water on leaf surface & high humidity |
Spots have red/purple mar- gins with tan, necrotic centers (can look similar to Alternaria) or brown necrotic angular spots |
Good air flow around plants, keep free water on leaf surface to a minimum, remove diseased foliage |
Compass, Heritage, Cleary |
Thielaviopsis |
Excess soil moisture, high soil pH (>6.0), cool soil temps, plant stress |
Lower leaves turn yellow & wilt; roots start with dark brown or black spots & even- tually turn completely black with rot |
Keep soil pH≤6.0, warm soil temps (>65 degreees); avoid overwatering, do not reuse soil |
Amendments to adjust soil pH if needed; Terraguard, Medallion, Banrot, Cleary |
Virus |
Symptoms usually most evident mid-spring thru early summer, can persist or disappear during summer |
Ringspots, mosaic, mottling, stunted growth, necrotic or chlorotic spots, leaf distortion |
Clean stock |
None |
Herbaceous perennials are susceptible to a variety of diseases, many of which are caused by fungi, bacteria, or viruses. Understanding these diseases can help you prevent and manage them effectively.
Powdery mildew: A common fungal disease that appears as a white powdery coating on leaves.
Rust: Causes orange or brown spots on leaves and stems.
Botrytis blight (gray mold): Affects plants in damp conditions, causing gray moldy growth.
Root rots: Caused by various fungi, leading to plant decline and death.
Crown rots: Similar to root rots but affecting the base of the plant. Damping off: A seedling disease caused by fungi, resulting in young plants collapsing and dying.
Bacterial leaf spot: Causes small, dark spots on leaves that may enlarge and merge.
Crown gall: Forms tumor-like growths on plant stems and roots.
Soft rots: Cause soft, mushy areas on plants, often associated with overwatering.
Mosaic viruses: Cause mottled or discolored leaves.
Leaf curl: Causes leaves to become distorted and curled.
Proper planting: Choose disease-resistant varieties and ensure proper spacing.
Good drainage: Avoid waterlogged soils.
Rotation: Rotate crops to prevent soil-borne diseases.
Sanitation: Remove and destroy diseased plants to prevent spread.
Cultural practices: Provide adequate air circulation and avoid overhead watering.
Fungicides and bactericides: Use as a last resort and follow label instructions carefully.