Product Description
Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Variegatum' (3.5-inch pot)
Common Name: Yellow Archangel, golden dead-nettle, silver-spotted dead-nettle
- Height: 12-18 Inches
- Spread: 3 Feet
- Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Part Shade to Shade
- Foliage brightens shady areas
- Spreads quickly
- Prune as needed
- Attract butterflies and other pollinators
- Deer-resistant
Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Variegatum' is a variegated variety of yellow archangel, a herbaceous perennial plant in the mint family. It is native to Europe and Asia, but is now naturalized in many parts of the world. The plant is known for its attractive, silver-splashed foliage and its clusters of small, yellow flowers.
L. galeobdolon 'Variegatum' is a low-growing plant, typically reaching heights of 12-18 inches. It has a spreading habit and can quickly form dense mats. The leaves are oval to triangular in shape, with coarsely toothed edges. They are medium to dark green, with silver or white markings. The flowers are produced in clusters in late spring or early summer. They are small, about 1/2 inch in diameter, and are yellow with a darker throat.
Evergreen in the Southern zones, Yellow Archangel prefers regular watering but will tolerate periodic dry soil. Roots at nodes as it creeps. Spreads aggressively when grown in optimum conditions.
L. galeobdolon 'Variegatum' is a shade-tolerant plant, but it can also tolerate some sun. It is drought-tolerant once established. L. galeobdolon 'Variegatum' is a popular ornamental plant. It is often used as a groundcover or in borders.
Other Details
The most important part of the plant is its root system. Healthy roots are the foundation of a healthy, vibrant plant. The type of plug container used is based on the specific needs of the plants. Perennials offered as bare root traditionally perform better when planted as bare root.Planted in a specialized mix, potted plants have well established root systems. Top growth stage will vary depending on the current life cycle and time of year when shipped. In Winter and early Spring dormant plants may be shipped. Dormant plants may be planted right away, even before the last frost date.
Most bare root varieties are field grown for at least one season, though Hemerocallis and Hosta are grown for two seasons. The bulk of the soil is removed during the harvesting process and the tops of most varieties are trimmed back to the crown. They are graded, packed in shredded aspen or sphagnum moss and stored in freezers until ready to be shipped.
See our Container Sizes and Bare Root Perennials pages for more information.
Plant information and care is provided in the “Overview” section, Plant Genus Page and general information is provided in the Planting Care & Guides. Additional questions can be asked on each Plant page.
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Product Reviews
3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Great condition!
The plants were in phenomenal shape when they arrived! Actually glistening with moisture, and the roots looked beautiful when I unpacked them. I have yet to see how they do, as they have only been in the ground a few days, but I am already scanning the website for more items. My only regret: I almost bought more in my original order, but I was worried as I'd never used the company before. I should not have hesitated.
Beautiful Arrival!
My plants arrived in excellent shape! And the instructions provided for care were very helpful as well. Customer service was the BEST! Thank you!
Great groundcover!
Arrived quickly and in great condition.