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Drought Tolerant

  • Achillea millefolium Paprika 3.5 inch pot

    Achillea millefolium 'Paprika' (3.5 inch pot)

    Achillea millefolium 'Paprika' (3.5-inch pot) Common name: Yarrow. Height: 18-24 InchesSpread: 18-24 InchesHardiness Zone: 3-9Full SunEvergreenRusty red blooms fading to white - SummerSoft fern-like foliageTolerates drought, heat and humidityModerately...

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  • Agastache Blue Bayou PPAF 30ct Flat Agastache Blue Bayou PPAF 30ct Flat

    Agastache 'Blue Bayou' PPAF (30)ct Flat

    Agastache 'Blue Bayou' PPAF (30)ct FlatCommon Name: Anise Hyssop, Hummingbird Mint Growers who have enjoyed the likes of 'Rosie Posie' and 'Peachie Keen' will enjoy the addition of 'Blue Bayou'. This variety matches the performance and hardiness of its...

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  • Agastache Blue Fortune 25 BR Plants Agastache Blue Fortune 25 BR Plants

    Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (25) BR Plants

    Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (25) Bare Root Plants Common name: Hyssop-Anise. A woody-based perennial of the mint family, this giant hyssop cultivar features tiny, tube-shaped, lavender-blue flowers tightly packed in rounded bottlebrush-like spikes atop...

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  • Agastache 'Guava Lava' PPAF (30)ct Flat Agastache 'Guava Lava' PPAF (30)ct Flat

    Agastache 'Guava Lava' PPAF (30)ct Flat

    Agastache 'Guava Lava' PPAF (30)ct FlatCommon Name: Anise Hyssop, Hummingbird Mint A brightly colored North American native hybrid and favorite of pollinators. 'Guava Lava' begins bloom in the heat of the summer and continues for many weeks. Coral orange...

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  • Agastache Mango Tango PPAF 30ct Flat Agastache Mango Tango PPAF 30ct Flat

    Agastache 'Mango Tango' PP28747 (30)ct Flat

    Agastache 'Mango Tango' PP28747 (30)ct FlatCommon Name: Anise Hyssop Selected for its shorter habit, ‘Mango Tango’ will also impress you with its vibrant flower color. Individual flowers have dusky rose calyxes and light peach to dusky orange...

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  • Agastache Peachie Keen PPAF 30ct Flat Agastache Peachie Keen PPAF 30ct Flat

    Agastache 'Peachie Keen' PP25886 (30)ct Flat

    Agastache 'Peachie Keen' PP25886 (30)ct FlatCommon Name: Anise Hyssop ‘Peachie Keen’ bears loads of apricot peach flowers with complementary purplish pink calyxes just at the top of the foliage for a neatly proportional look. Because the...

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  • Agastache 'Pinky Pie' (30)ct Flat Agastache 'Pinky Pie' (30)ct Flat

    Agastache 'Pinky Pie' (30)ct Flat

    Agastache 'Pinky Pie' PPAF (30)ct Flat Common Name: Hummingbird Mint, Anise HyssopThis perfect size Hummingbird Mint is packed with flowers that appear for a long time from midsummer into early fall. Apricot buds open to lavender pink flowers. Colorful...

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  • Agastache 'Rosie Posie' PP25857 (30)ct Flat Agastache Rosie Posie PPAF 30ct Flat

    Agastache 'Rosie Posie' PP25857 (30)ct Flat

    Agastache 'Rosie Posie' PP25857 (30)ct FlatCommon Name: Anise Hyssop ‘Rosie Posie’ bears loads of hot pink flowers with magenta purple calyxes just at the top of the foliage for a neatly proportional look. Because the calyxes are so colorful,...

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  • Agave parryi ssp truncata 
Photos courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc. Agave parryi ssp truncata 
Photos courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc.

    Agave parryi ssp. truncata (72)ct Flat

    Agave parryi ssp. truncata (72)ct Flat Common Name: Agave, Hardy Century PlantThis species is often described as the most beautiful of all Agaves, but with so many gorgeous specimens out there, how can you pick just one favorite? The beauty and grace of...

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Drought Tolerant Perennial Plants Characteristics:

  • Succulent leaves or stems: These plants can store water in their tissues, allowing them to withstand dry periods.
  • Deep roots: Deep roots enable plants to access water from deeper soil layers.
  • Waxy cuticles: A waxy coating on the leaves helps reduce water loss.
  • Small leaves: Smaller leaves can reduce the surface area exposed to the sun, minimizing water loss through transpiration.
  • Soil: Use well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Avoid heavy clay soils that can retain too much moisture.
  • Light: Most drought-tolerant perennials prefer full sun, but some can tolerate partial shade.
  • Water: While these plants are drought-tolerant, they still require occasional watering, especially during extended dry periods. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

If your garden has all day sun exposure, your landscape does not include irrigation, or there are water restriction concerns, consider a garden that focuses on drought-tolerant plants. However, a perennial plant will require water to establish itself, only when they have well-established roots will they tolerate drought.
While many drought-tolerant plants are also tolerant of poor-to-average soils, soils that are high in organic matter will help plants both establish themselves and survive periods of drought. Spending efforts to improve soil conditions will improve the gardens performance, but most drought tolerant perennials prefer soils that are well-drained.

Mulches are a prime gardening technique to reduce water evaporation. Not only will mulch assist the water problem, it adds organic matter to the soils and reduces weeds.

Water less often, with more water. Increasing the amount of water, when you do water, allows it to penetrate deeper and naturally improves the depth of the plants root system. Water early in the morning when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.

Popular choices include Achillea, Aeonium, Agastache, AjugaAlceaAnthemisArabisArmeria, ArtemesiaAsclepias, Aurinia, Baptisia, BelamcandaBuddleiaCalamagrostis, CentaureaCentranthus, Cerastium, Coreopsis-Threadleaf, CortaderiaDelosperma, Dianthus, DigitalisEcheveriaEchinacea, Echinops, Eryngium, Euonymus, Euphorbia, Gaillardia, Geranium sanguineumGypsophila, Hedera, Helleborus, Hemerocallis, Iberis, Incarvillea, Iris-Tall Bearded, Kniphofia, LamiumLavandula, LiatrisLiriope, MalvaNepeta, Oenothera, PachysandraPaeonia, PapaverPenstemon, Perovskia, Phlox subulataPulmonariaRudbeckiaSalvia, Saponaria, Sedum, Sempervivum, Stachys, Stokesia, TanacetumThymusVerbascum, Vinca, and Yucca.

Ornamental GrassesCalamagrostisErianthus, Festuca, Helictotrichon, Panicum, Pennisetum, Schizachyrium, Sorghastrum, and Sporobolus.