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Rabbit Resistant

  • Helleborus 'First Dance' (30)ct Flat Helleborus 'First Dance' (30)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'First Dance' (30)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'First Dance' (30)ct FlatWEDDING PARTY® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen has a passion for hellebores. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large...

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  • Helleborus Flower Girl - WEDDING PARTY Series 20ct Flat Helleborus Flower Girl - WEDDING PARTY Series 20ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Flower Girl' (20)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Flower Girl' (20)ct FlatWEDDING PARTY® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen has a passion for hellebores. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large...

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  • Helleborus 'Flower Girl' (30)ct Flat Helleborus 'Flower Girl' (30)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Flower Girl' (30)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Flower Girl' (30)ct FlatWEDDING PARTY® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen has a passion for hellebores. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large...

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  • Helleborus 'French Kiss' - HONEYMOON Series (20)ct Flat Helleborus French Kiss - HONEYMOON Series 20ct Flat

    Helleborus 'French Kiss' (20)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'French Kiss' (20)ct FlatHONEYMOON® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Try the lovely single-flowered selections of the HONEYMOON® Series from Walters Gardens, hybridizer Hans Hansen. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with...

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  • Helleborus 'French Kiss' (30)ct Flat Helleborus 'French Kiss' (30)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'French Kiss' (30)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'French Kiss' (30)ct FlatHONEYMOON® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Try the lovely single-flowered selections of the HONEYMOON® Series from Walters Gardens, hybridizer Hans Hansen. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with...

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  • Helleborus 'Irish Luck'  (20)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Irish Luck' (20)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Irish Luck' (20)ct Flat HONEYMOON® Series Common Name: Lenten RoseTry the lovely single-flowered selections of the HONEYMOON® Series from Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable...

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  • Helleborus 'Maid of Honor' - WEDDING PARTY Series (20)ct Flat Helleborus Maid of Honor - WEDDING PARTY Series 20ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Maid of Honor' (20)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Maid of Honor' (20)ct FlatWEDDING PARTY® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen has a passion for hellebores. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large...

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  • Helleborus Maid of Honor - WEDDING PARTY Series 30ct Flat Helleborus Maid of Honor - WEDDING PARTY Series 30ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Maid of Honor' (30)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Maid of Honor' (30)ct FlatWEDDING PARTY® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen has a passion for hellebores. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large...

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  • Helleborus 'Mother of the Bride' (20)ct Flat Helleborus 'Mother of the Bride' (20)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Mother of the Bride' (20)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Mother of the Bride' (20)ct FlatWEDDING PARTY® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen has a passion for hellebores. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with...

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  • Helleborus Mother of the Bride 30ct Flat Helleborus Mother of the Bride 30ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Mother of the Bride' (30)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'Mother of the Bride' (30)ct FlatWEDDING PARTY® SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen has a passion for hellebores. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with...

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  • Helleborus New York Night - HONEYMOON Series 20ct Flat Helleborus New York Night - HONEYMOON Series 20ct Flat

    Helleborus 'New York Night' (20)ct Flat

    Helleborus 'New York Night' (20)ct FlatHONEYMOON SeriesCommon Name: Lenten Rose 'New York Night' bears 2½-3”, single flowers with shades of black that include deep grey-purple, jet black, and black-purple. Hellebores are the harbingers of...

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Some perennials are less tempting to rabbits than others, but few are truly rabbit-proof. Animals may have different favorites and if hungry enough, may try just about anything, especially fresh young spring greenery.

Best to combine different strategies - plant "deer and rabbit resistant" plants, use fencing or deer & rabbit repellent.

Dry, Sun

Agave, *Blanket Flower (Gaillardia), *Butterfly Weed (Asclepias), Euphorbia (Euphorbia), Sea Holly (Eryngium agavifolium), #Wormwood (Artemisia)

Average to Dry, Sun

Aster (Aster), #Lamb's Ears (Stachys), #Lavender (Lavandula), Lavender Cotton (Santolina), Red-hot Poker (Kniphofia), Beardtongue (Penstemon), *Spike Gayfeather (Liatris spicata), #Thyme (Thymus), *Yarrow (Achillea), *Adam's needle (Yucca filamentosa)

Average, Sun

Blackberry Lily (Belamcanda), Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), #Catmint (Nepeta), #Ornamental Onion (Allium), Germander (Teucrium), #Globe Thistle (Echinops), *Iris (Iris), #Maiden Grass (Miscanthus), Sage (Salvia)

Average to Moist, Sun

Goat’s Beard (Aruncus), Hollyhocks (Alcea), Anise Hyssop (Agastache), Tickseed (Coreopsis), #Verbena

Average, Sun to Part Shade

False Indgo (Baptisia), #Poppy (Papaver), *Peony (Paeonia), Peruvian Lily ( Alstroemeria), Bellflower (Campanula carpatica),#Veronica (Veronica)

Moist, Sun to Part Shade

Anemone (Anemone), *Astilbe (Astilbe), *Bergenia (Bergenia), Columbine (Aquilegia), Coral Bells (Heuchera), *Cornflower (Centaurea), Daylily (Hemerocallis), Globe Flower (Trollius), #Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla mollis), #Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis), Lupines (Lupinus), #Mint (Mentha), Mullein (Verbascum)

Moist, Part Shade

*Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis), Clematis, #Forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica), #Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), #Monkshood (Aconitum), *Primrose (Primula)

Moist, Shade

Athyrium, #Barrenwort (Epimedium), #Dead Nettle (Lamium maculatum), #Foamflower (Tiarella), Ginger (Asarum), #Japanese Spurge (Pachysandra terminalis ), Lungwort (Pulmonaria), Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum biflorum), #Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum)

Widely Adapted, Sun to Shade

#Bugleweed (Ajuga), #Goldenrod (Solidago), #Lilyturf (Liriope)

* Moderately Deer Resistant

#Deer and Rabbit Resistant